Thanks Kirkus Reviews
Starred review from Kirkus first prepublication review is auspicious.
Thanks George Will
Mention of Easterbrook's Law of Doomsaying in today's Washington Post. Easterbrook's Corollary: All Doomsday Predictions -- Not Some, All -- Have Been Wrong.
Thanks, Die Weltwoche
"Historically, negative claims have gone hand-in-hand with demagoguery. This should be opposed by intellectuals. One of the reasons I wrote the book It's Better Than It Looks is to try to recapture optimism as an intellectually respectable idea." Also a Swiss publication, the interview in English.
Thanks Neue Zurcher Zeitung
A theme of the Swiss Economic Forum is optimism in tough times -- yours truly argues optimism should be intellectually respectable.
Thanks, Rotary
Thoughtful interview plus a drawing that actually makes me look good -- that's some talented artist!
Paperback on sale
The paperback of It's Better Than It Looks goes on sale today with cover quote from Walter Isaacson.
German-language edition
Coming in March from the Munich publisher Piper, a German-language edition of my new book.
Thanks, Wall Street Journal
Matt Ridley lays out the case for the New Optimism. Why didn't I think of that line!
Thanks, Foreign Affairs
It's Better Than It Looks is "terrific.. the core conclusions are compelling...Easterbrook writes with flair."
Thanks, Something You Should Know
A podcast on It's Better Than It Looks with Mike Carruthers -- I'm the second half following a lively discussion of the benefits of cursing.
Thanks, Buffalo News
Article about It's Better Than It Looks by Buff News Washington bureau chief Jerry Zremski.
Thanks, New York Times
Nice mention of It’s Better Than It Looks leads this morning’s Books of the Times.
It’s Better Than It Looks (and the similar, also well-done Enlightenment Now and Factfulness) make a fundamentally counterintuitive claim. When books do this, it may take some time for readers to mull their contentions. Then momentum for the ideas may build. Maybe that’s starting to happen.
That three major books making the same counterintuitive claim came out nearly simultaneously is not just some publishing-industry quirk. This shows that the evidence of an improving world is beginning to accumulate, and to become persuasive – not of course that everything is fine, there are countless serious problems, but that the main current of history is positive for most people in most nations.
Thanks, New Yorker
Balanced assessment by Joshua Rothman of It's Better Than It Looks and other new books that bear on whether life is getting better.
Thanks, Pell Center
Talking on Story in the Public Square, on Rhode Island's PBS TV station, about optimism and books.
Thanks, Choice Connect
The Association of College and Research Libraries calls It's Better Than It Looks "highly recommended."
Thanks, Entertainment Today
It's Better Than It Looks is the book in a listing of cool dad gifts for Father's Day.